Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hurray I got good news yesterday I can drive at last. It sure has been a trial not being able to drive. Still can't get my arm all the way up, but I can at least shave now ha!
These last few days of Spring would make anyone feel better. I've been digging in the yard also just wanting to get that dirt under my nails. Well don't plant your gardens to soon for the weather can change on a dime.
Keep bloging enjoy read them.


johnandjana said...

Yeah! You blogged. Good job. Now keep doing it at least once a week. Glad you are feeling better and that the sun is shining.

Brett and Tiffany said...

Sweet, you can drive! What a great feeling! I love working out in the yard too!

Faith To Act said...

Hey aunt Leen~

Elder Hollands video is on my blog! I posted it on Easter. It is down towards the bottom or perhaps on older posts.